The Power of Boutique

We dive in with our authors to help them translate their extensive knowledge into streamlined, accessible books, booklets, workbooks, and audiobooks. We’re patient, because we know editing your own work sometimes needs to be a gentle process; but we also know where to turn a block of text into an engaging and instructive infographic.

When you’re learning something new, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed – and the same goes for publishing your first book! But whether you’re an established or emerging author, we’re here to help you navigate the process and pursue the full potential of your topic.

Learn more about our authors and the books we’re looking for.

Author Support

Asynchronous Communication

We make sure to be available as possible for our authors, and asynchronous communication through Slack is a big part of that. We’re generally available for authors to get in touch throughout the workday, since being available on Slack is part of our team working norms anyway. Our workspace also offers the unique opportunity for our authors to connect with each other.

Content Organizer

We’re strong believers in the content organizer for planning and writing a nonfiction book. If you’re a fan of outlines, we mean no disrespect here. Outlines are… okay. But content organizers can hold a lot more details in a less overwhelming and much more functional way. 

Read our blog post on content organizers

Developmental and Content Editing

In the developmental stage, we help our authors be as thorough as possible in what they communicate, looking for opportunities to expand or clarify. In content editing, we help authors be as clear as possible in how they communicate, suggesting specific rewrites while maintaining the author’s voice.

Learn more about our Editing services below.


At How2Conquer, we believe that knowledge should be shared. Whether you’re one of our authors or you’re working with another publisher, we hope our articles on writing and publishing can help you achieve your goals for your book. 

Check out our Manuscript Bootcamp and Author Contracts series. 

Author Guides

We’ve created guides for our authors to help them to independently access important knowledge and resources we believe they either need to know or, at some point, may need to refer back to. 

Launching Soon: Searchable, Online How2Conquer Author Knowledge Base

Contract Options

We offer contemporary publishing contracts as a standard and traditional publishing contracts as an exception. We ensure all our books meet the same high standards for editorial, design, and production quality, regardless of the type of contract. 

Read more about contemporary publishing and standards.

“How2Conquer helped us understand the entire process, and we really appreciated all the work that we didn’t know needed to be done between writing and publishing – for example, cover design, layout, organization, turning the book into a more helpful, educational tool, and establishing global distribution. We knew about editing, but we didn’t know about all of those other, seriously important things!”

Kirsten and Paul Moxness, authors of Spin the Bottle Service

Our Services

Author Care & Project Management

We guide your book through the publishing process, from idea to publication to the shared job of promotion. We provide resources and support to help you achieve your goals for your book, and every author is paired with a designated project contact.

More about Author Care

author help


When a manuscript or proposal is submitted, our editors determine the level of editing they think it requires. While some works may require only proofreading, others may need further developmental or content editing to better convey knowledge.

More about Editing

Production & Design

Every author’s book is different. We create a custom design for your cover and manuscript, as well as illustrations and graphics, to both make it beautiful and give your book its best chance of success.

More about Production and Design

Print & Distribution

Whether you want to see your book on Amazon, at an indie bookstore, or in a library, we make it possible. All How2Conquer books are distributed by Ingram Book Group, making your book available to 40,000+ retailers worldwide.

More about Print and Distribution


We partner with our authors to create comprehensive marketing plans that include media and publications, social media, early reviewer programs, and other ways to boost awareness of your book.

More about Marketing

Rights & Metadata Management

Metadata – or “data about data” – at its most basic level is how people find books. From categories to keywords, we monitor your book metadata for the life of the book. All books receive ISBNs and a Library of Congress number, and we apply for the copyright registration in your name.

More about Rights Management

What Our Authors Say:

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